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Crop insurance gives your business room to grow with a field of protection.

Crop Insurance - Aerial View of Harvesting Tractors Moving Through a Dry Field on a Sunny Day

Take control of what you can and get protection for what you can’t with crop insurance.

How can crop insurance help protect your business?

Growing crops is an essential business and the viability of those crops is essential to your bottom line. You can take all possible precautions and yet outside forces beyond your control can devastate your fields. Having adequate insurance in place each growing season may protect you from the unexpected for when disaster strikes.

Coverage for whatever crops up.

Farmers face three major risks when it comes to their crops: low yields, poor quality, and low crop prices. Not producing enough, producing crops that cannot be sold, or having the price of certain crops fall can lead to significant losses for farms. Often, the factors that create the scenarios cannot be predicted or avoided. Farmers can choose to insure their crops and, therefore, their livelihood.

Crop-hail insurance protects against hail and other perils.

Hail can be extremely dangerous for crops. Hailstones can vary in size, though a storm is considered severe if stones are one inch in diameter or larger, and stones can be of various sizes within the same storm. Some areas are more prone to hail than others, but hail is unpredictable since it can destroy a portion of a crop while leaving another area of the field untouched. Some policies may also cover the costs to replant damaged crops. Crop-hail insurance may also provide coverage for more than just hail, such as:

  • Fire
  • Flood
  • Frost
  • Theft
  • Lightning
  • Wind
  • Vandalism

Multi-peril crop insurance offers basic and additional coverage.

Multi-peril crop insurance, also known as all-risk crop insurance, provides protection for times when the crop yield is low or of poor quality as a result of covered perils, including hail, insects, and disease. The United States government fully subsidizes the cost of catastrophic coverage, but farmers can increase their coverage through a buy-up program in order to secure more adequate coverage. This coverage must be purchased before the growing season begins, on dates set by the federal government. Multi-peril policies may include coverage for the following:

  • Disease
  • Drought
  • Fire
  • Flood
  • Frost
  • Hail
  • Insects
  • Wind

Other crop insurance considerations are available.

In addition to crop-hail and multiple peril crop insurance, there are other policies available to farmers. Revenue insurance helps protect a farmer’s income by guaranteeing a certain level despite unpredictable factors like low yields and prices. Livestock insurance may also be available for farms that raise animals. Similarly, insurance can be purchased to insure the pasture, rangeland, forage, and hay necessary to raise animals.

To review your crop insurance needs and to learn more about your coverage options, contact us.


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USDA (along with Manry Rawls, LLC, RCIS, and Rain & Hail) is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.

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